Windows 10 closing programs on its own

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Select “ Yes” on the User Account Control prompt.Double-click the forcecloseshutdown.reg file.Download the file.Perform the following steps to import these settings into Windows 10: There are many modifications that you’ll need to make to the registry for this change. If you want Windows 10 to simply shut down without any of these prompts, you can solve this problem with a registry hack. After about two minutes, if the user hasn’t made a choice, it will kick back to the Desktop and not proceed with the Shut Down or Restart process. Individual applications are listed as saying “ This app is preventing shutdown” or “ this app is preventing you from restarting“.

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By default, if applications have unsaved data, Windows 10 will show a “ closing apps and shutting down” screen that prompts the user to “ Shut down anyway” or “ Cancel“.