Sorry you wound up with a crap mod, but much of the stuff available is just as good as what shipped, if not better, save for the obvious outliers in godlike and the giant race (which are also severely lacking by default). I'm not spending any amount of money on more when I'm already paying for the game and expansions. The vanilla portraits themselves poorly reflect even the limited range of character customization options currently available. And resizing it and worrying weather it will be compatable with updates, I'd rather just not have a Pepsi one day and spend the 99 cents on this instead Yeah, the baldurs gates one look allright, but they don't match the character models well in game, although the guy with the hamster on his shoulder brought back memories, and the evil scottish dude portrait great as well. Pillars of Eternity guidebook vol 1 on Mercari. Tyranny 18.49/ 20.49/ 22.49 (50 off) the Archon Overlord editions Portrait Pack and Tales from the Tiers Pillars of Eternity Bundles and most DLCs are 20-60 off. I know you can mod it - there is one in particular that is absolutely awful it has like 300 portraits, half of them are of them are the same man photoshoped (I assume its the creator of it) and I swear one is literally Benecio Del Toro posterized in an editing program. Pillars of Eternity Character Portrait for my Rogue Pale Elf PaleElf Drizza lg. Opprinnelig skrevet av Eh:They should release a portrait pack, I would pay because the art work is always amazing.